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Polished horns

Polished horns

Unit Price for 1 Pcs Price from 46,00 €

Unit Price for 12 Pcs Price from 41,40 € 46,00 €

(incl. VAT)

Perfect for powder horns. Ready to finish.


Cow horn, is the name of a horn from a cow, and it is an ancient and versatile tool that is used for many purposes. Here are some examples of what cow horn can be used for:

  • Eating plates: Cow horn can be cut into slices and polished to make unique eating plates or bowls.

  • Drinking Horns: Cow horn can be cut and shaped to make unique drinking horns.

  • Musical instruments: Some musicians use cow horn as a mouthpiece or resonator on instruments such as horns or bugles.

  • Knives: Cow horn can be cut and shaped to make unique knives with horn handles.

  • Supplement: In some cultures cow horn is also used as a supplement, particularly in the form of powdered horn, which can be taken as a supplement to promote bone health and to relieve joint pain

  • Decoration: Cow horn can be cut and shaped to make unique decorations such as figures or jewelry

So in short, Cow horn can be used for a variety of purposes, from eating plates, drinking horns, musical instruments, knives, supplements to decorations, as it is a versatile material that can be shaped and treated in many ways.

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