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Leather Braiding - book 169 pages

Leather Braiding - book 169 pages

Unit Price for 1 Pcs 24,60 €

Unit Price for 12 Pcs 22,10 € 24,60 €

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Leather Braiding has stood for more than forty years as the definitive book in its field. Grant's clearly written guide to the art of leather braiding contains detailed illustrations, step-by-step instructions, and a wealth of incidental, fascinating information. It makes accessible, to even the novice, serviceable and recreational uses of leather, from the simple but clever braided button to the elaborate results of thong appliqu? The book includes a historical perspective of leather and its function in society, a chapter on leather braiding tools, and a glossary of terms.

Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  |  Pages:192  |  760 illustrations, 9 b/w photos

Binding: Soft Cover

ISBN: 9780870330391


Model/Product no.: 2001-6022
Stock status: Not in stock
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