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Carnauba creme 118ml

Carnauba creme 118ml

Unit Price for 1 Pcs 7,70 €

Unit Price for 12 Pcs 7,00 € 7,70 €

(incl. VAT)

This blend of natural waxes is to be used on smooth leathers only. Not recommended for use on embossed leather. Resists fingerprints and scuff marks. May be used on newly dyed leather or to restore old leather articles. 

Leather, tools etc. you should of cause buy a Leather House - Since 1926


Model/Product no.: 1312-10580
Stock status:
  • Cheap delivery
  • Quick delivery
  • 14 days returning

Directions for use: Directions for use: Leather must be clean and dry. Shake well before each use. Apply a light coat of Carnauba Creme with a clean piece of sheep wool, soft cloth or slightly damp sponge. Allow to dry, then buff to a nice luster. Repeat if desired. Carnauba Creme is recommended for smooth leather. If used on carved or stamped leather, care must be taken to remove excess build-up from cuts and impressions before drying is complete. Clean applicators with soap and water


Origin USA
Features 🧪Test first on an invisible place, For all smooth leathers
Danger ❄️Does not tolerate frost in wet form
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