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Craftplus Edger Beveler

Craftplus Edger Beveler

Unit Price for 1 Pcs 65,60 €

Unit Price for 12 Pcs 59,00 € 65,60 €

(incl. VAT)

List price 17,10 € (incl. VAT)

Leather, tools, buckles, hardware, you should of cause buy a Leather House - Since 1926


For trimming and rounding edges 
- Made of high quality steel
- Tempered and rust proof
- Capable of being used over and over by sharpening the edge with microgrit sandpaper and The Edger Sharpening Rod. 
 It has been commonly accepted on the market that Edge Bevelers have dull blades. The finish quality of the edge is one of the most important parts for leather craft so we have these tools in response to user’s expectations.
Origin Japan
Note ✅ More versions of this products can be fund i out 2 shops in Copenhagen. |

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