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Gold Quality Strong Cleaner - for leather

Gold Quality Strong Cleaner - for leather

Unit Price for 1 Pcs Price from 9,90 €

Unit Price for 12 Pcs Price from 8,90 € 9,90 €

(incl. VAT)

Leather, tools, buckles, hardware, you should of cause buy a Leather House - Since 1926


Is a very tough leather cleaner used to remove grease and old finish and to open the grain before recolor with Gold Quality leather dye.
Never use for general cleaning or to remove stains with as Gold Quality Strong Cleaner removes color and finish of the leather, leaving the surface open and vulnerable.
Origin Denmark
Note ✅ More versions of this products can be fund i out 2 shops in Copenhagen. |
Features 🧪Test first on an invisible place
Danger 🔥Flammable - Shipping: No flying - No over sea orders SGH02

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