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Furrier knife incl. 2  triangular blades

Furrier knife incl. 2 triangular blades

Unit Price for 1 Pcs 15,20 €

Unit Price for 12 Pcs 13,70 € 15,20 €

(incl. VAT)

Cut from the opposite side, without the hair pressed against anything like a cutting board. You will then cut just the skin no loss of hair. The knife comes with triangular blades. You may wish to purchase extra blades to save on shipping.

Extra blades are sold separately in packs of 10 or more.

Category: Add on

We ship quickly to all over the world and have most items in stock.
Origin Sweden
Danger ⚠️Peak / sharp object - Adult Signature Required
Quality Nickel-free surface
Advice / Info 12cm

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